GPSC stands for Gujarat Public Service Commission .GPSC examination taken via way of means of the Govt.of Gujarat for the put up of Class 1 & Class 2 put up. After passing in GPSC you may get the put up like Mamlatdar ,Nayab Mamlatdar , Dy.SP , Deputy collector , TDO and so on.

  1. India History  For GPSC Exam
  2. GPSC Study Material Gujarat History
  3. Economy and Planning
  4. India Culture Heritage
  5. Gujarat Culture Heritage
  6. Gujarat Bhugol/Geography
  7. India Geography/Bhugol
  8. Bharat Nu Bandharan
  9. Public Administration & Panchayati Raj
  10. Kaydo & IPC Act
  11. Science  GPSC
  12. Current Affairs
  13. Maths Reasoning and General Mental Ability
  14. Non Verbal Reasoning