- Diversity of living organisms
- Animal Kingdom
- The living world
- Plant Kingdom
- Biological classification
- Cell: structure and function
- Cell-the unit of life
- Cell cycle and cell division
- Biomolecules
- Human physiology
- Digestion and absorption
- Body fluids and circulation
- Locomotion and movement
- Chemical coordination and integration of endocrine glands and hormones
- Breathing and exchange of gases
- Excretory Products and their elimination
- Neural control and coordination
- Structural organization in animal and plants
- Morphology of flowering plants
- Structural organization in animals
- Anatomy of flowering plants
- Cockroach
- Plant physiology
- Transport in plants
- Photosynthesis in higher plants
- Plant growth and development
- Mineral nutrition
- Respiration in plants
- Practical work
- Project work