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Computer Science XI ISC


The Computer Science syllabus for ISC (Indian School Certificate) Class 11 includes the following topics:

Introduction to Computer Systems:

  • Basic components of a computer system
  • Hardware and software concepts
  • Input and output devices
  • Memory and storage devices
  • Operating systems and utility software
  • Introduction to Programming in C++:

Introduction to C++ programming language

  • Basic structure of a C++ program
  • Data types, variables, and constants
  • Operators and expressions
  • Control structures: decision-making and looping
  • Arrays and Strings:

Introduction to arrays and strings

  • Declaration, initialization, and manipulation of arrays and strings
  • Array traversal and searching
  • Sorting and merging of arrays
  • String operations and functions
  • Functions in C++:

Introduction to functions

  • Function prototypes and function calls
  • Pass by value and pass by reference
  • Recursive functions
  • Function overloading and inline functions
  • Classes and Objects:

Introduction to object-oriented programming (OOP)

  • Class and object concepts
  • Data members and member functions
  • Constructors and destructors
  • Access specifiers and encapsulation
  • Pointers and Dynamic Memory Allocation:

Introduction to pointers and their applications

  • Pointer declaration and initialization
  • Pointers and arrays
  • Dynamic memory allocation and deallocation
  • Pointer arithmetic and function pointers
  • File Handling:

File concepts and file operations

  • Opening, reading, writing, and closing files
  • Sequential and random access files
  • Error handling and exception handling
  • File handling using C++ libraries
  • Data Structures:

Introduction to data structures

  • Arrays, linked lists, stacks, and queues
  • Trees: binary trees, binary search trees
  • Graphs: representation and traversal algorithms
  • Sorting and searching algorithms
  • Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates:

Introduction to Boolean algebra

  • Logic gates and their truth tables
  • Boolean expressions and simplification
  • Combinational circuits: adders, multiplexers, and decoders
  • Sequential circuits: flip-flops, counters, and registers
  • Communication and Network Concepts:

Introduction to computer networks

  • Network topologies and protocols
  • TCP/IP and OSI models
  • Internet and World Wide Web (WWW)
  • Network security and ethical issues

This syllabus provides a comprehensive understanding of computer science, covering programming, data structures, file handling, logic gates, and networking concepts. It prepares students for advanced topics in Class 12 and builds a strong foundation for higher studies in computer science and related fields.

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