Moving Charges and Magnetism

Section A: Multiple Choice Questions Choose the correct option for each question. (1 mark each)

  1. When a current-carrying wire is placed in a magnetic field, the force experienced by the wire depends on: a) Length of the wire b) Current flowing through the wire c) Magnetic field strength d) All of the above

  2. The force experienced by a current-carrying wire in a magnetic field is maximum when: a) The wire is parallel to the magnetic field b) The wire is perpendicular to the magnetic field c) The wire forms an angle of 45 degrees with the magnetic field d) The force is the same regardless of the wire's orientation

  3. The direction of the force experienced by a current-carrying wire in a magnetic field can be determined using: a) Ampere's law b) Faraday's law c) Fleming's left-hand rule d) Lenz's law

  4. Which of the following materials is diamagnetic? a) Iron b) Copper c) Aluminum d) Silver

  5. A solenoid with a greater number of turns and a stronger current will produce: a) A weaker magnetic field b) A stronger magnetic field c) No magnetic field d) No change in the magnetic field

Section B: Short Answer Questions Answer the following questions briefly. (2 marks each)

  1. State Ampere's circuital law and explain its significance.

  2. Define magnetic flux and state its unit.

  3. Explain the working principle of an AC generator.

  4. State and explain Lenz's law.

  5. Describe the working principle of a cyclotron.

Section C: Long Answer Questions Answer the following questions in detail. (5 marks each)

  1. Derive the expression for the magnetic field due to a current-carrying straight conductor using Biot-Savart's law.

  2. Explain the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction and state Faraday's laws.

  3. A rectangular loop of wire is placed in a magnetic field. Describe the changes in the magnetic flux and induced current when the loop is rotated.

  4. A wire carrying a current of 3 A is placed in a magnetic field of 0.5 T. If the length of the wire is 2 m and the angle between the wire and the magnetic field is 60 degrees, calculate the force experienced by the wire.